Make an
impact today

Our vision is a world in which all people on the spectrum can reach their full potential. Your gift will make a lasting, meaningful impact for the 1 in 36 children on the autism spectrum.

Why give?

  • By supporting the Krewe, you aid in the dissemination of educational resources and advocacy efforts that promote awareness and understanding of autism within the community. This can lead to better support systems and acceptance for individuals with ASD.

  • Donations help fund inclusive programs that enhance the quality of life for individuals with autism. These programs may include social groups, educational workshops, and recreational activities tailored to the needs of those with ASD.

  • Contributions enable the Krewe to improve accessibility in various community settings, ensuring that individuals with autism can participate fully in social, educational, and recreational activities.

  • Your support helps build a network of families, professionals, and community members dedicated to supporting individuals with autism. This network provides a platform for sharing resources, experiences, and encouragement.

  • Donations help provide families in need with access to therapy, educational tools, and other essential resources that can be costly but are crucial for children with autism to reach their full potential.

  • The Krewe actively works to promote acceptance and inclusion by fostering a supportive environment and raising community awareness. Your contribution ensures that children and adults with autism feel valued, included, and understood in their community.